Brooke Tower, "BE", was located the town of Birdsboro, PA. The tower was built to control train movements on the
Reading company Wilmington and Northern Branch and the Pennsylvania Railroad Schuylkill Branch which crossed at grade.
The tower was manned by the Reading Company and was maintained by both the Reading and PRR.
I am not sure of the date the tower was built, I assume is was somewhere in the early 1900's. Brooke lasted up
into Conrail and was closed August 23 1977 at 3:01 PM.
When built, Brooke had a 70 Lever Mechanical Interlocking Machine built by the Federal Signal
Company. Later on a 20 lever table interlocking machine built by Union Switch & Signal Co, was installed at
the east end of the tower and was used to control remote switches between Seyfert and Douglassville, PA.
I have included a portion of an article published in Railway Signaling Magazine, dated September 1933 titled
"Consolidated Interlockings and Block Offices" which mentioned the installation of the 20 Lever Machine at Brooke.
The article may be viewed by clicking on the link provided.
"Consolidated Interlockings and Block Offices"
Over the years more changes were made as traffic levels decreased and passenger trains no longer ran and
the 20 lever machine was reduced to 8 levers and controlled the interlockings at the East and West ends of Brooke
and was re-located to the west end of the tower. Additionally the 70 lever mechanical machine was reduced to
52 levers.